Thank you for viewing the entry details for Anglia in Bloom.
​Anglia in Bloom is open to all communities within the six counties of the Anglia region: Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Suffolk, and Norfolk. There is an entry category for all sizes of communities and some additional categories that may be entered either as additions to a main entry or as separate, standalone entries.
The entry criteria and fees are listed below, and an entry form for all main and additional categories is included.
As well as the entry to the main category – determined by population size – there is an opportunity to enter for ‘special awards’. An entry form for these is included, and as they are all areas that could give you good marks, you are encouraged to put forward entries in at least some.
We’ve included sample marking sheets in the Information for Entrants so that you can see what the judges will be looking for.
So good luck! We do look forward to coming to see you and to viewing your entries.
Portfolio Checklist
Don’t be daunted by the task of preparing a portfolio, instead think of it as a great opportunity to introduce your community to the judges, download the checklist for more guidance
Categories & Fees
Learn more about the Fees related to your Categories below
It's Your Neighbourhood Info
Want to get involved in the "It's Your Neighbourhood" Campaign? Click Learn More Below!
Entry Form
Below you can download the Entry Form for all the Main Categories.
Special Awards Entry
Below you can download the Entry Form for our Special Award Categories.
Want to learn more about our Constitution? You can download it by clicking below