The Anglia in Bloom region forms part of the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society’s) Britain in Bloom competition. This is a campaign set up to help us get the best out of the village, town or city in which we live, both environmentally and florally. It is a great way of getting your communities working together, socially, and having lots of fun on the way.
The Britain in Bloom campaign is organised by The Royal Horticultural Society in partnership with Shredded Wheat, and more information on the RHS can be obtained from their website
The aim of the competition is to encourage the improvement of our surroundings through the imaginative use of trees, shrubs, flowers and landscaping. It also aims to achieve a litter free and sustainable environment. This links directly to the four key aims of the Royal Horticultural Society which are:
Horticultural Excellence
Community Involvement
Environmental Friendliness

Message from Chris
Chairman of Anglia in Bloom
The Anglia in Bloom region covers the six eastern counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. Anglia in Bloom is managed by volunteer Trustees elected annually at AGM from nominated representatives of local "In Bloom" groups. All our Trustees and Judging team give their expertise, experience and time freely to help our regional communities. Funding of the initiative is through our many generous sponsors and supporters.
We hope our website images, initiative and campaign will encourage your community to form your own "Bloom" teams to help improve and sustain your local environment by growing more flowers, trees, developing wildlife habitat provision and grow more vegetables too.
Please be aware Anglia in Bloom is not a competition but a campaign. The aim is to encourage groups to take pride in their area. Assessors/judges visit in July to see how the group is progressing and to give advice and encouragement. An award is given ranging from Bronze to Gold which can then be displayed in a prominent position for all to see and hopefully encourage others to get involved
Being part of the initiative links in with the Performance Framework for Local Authorities & Local Authority Partnerships - National Indicators NIs, which replaced the Best Value performance indicators (BVPIs) in April 2008
The BVPIs which numbered around 1200 have been reduced to 198 National Indicators (NIs).
So what are they and what are they for?
The national indicator set will be the only measures on which central government will performance manage outcomes delivered by local government working alone or in partnerships from April 2008.
In brief the NIs are focused on outcomes and their delivery through stronger partnership working, the same indicators will be used for different local partners, which would include local Friends groups and In Bloom groups.
It is not surprising how many of these new NIs that have a direct relationship with our "In Bloom" campaign and what we contribute to when improving our local environment.
Here are some of the main NIs that we contribute to through our annual “In Bloom” efforts that we deliver in our Villages, Towns and Cities. So next time you are in contact with your local authority, remember to remind them of the contributions that you are making to these new National Indicators, and then request some additional support towards your campaign.
NI 5 Overall/general satisfaction with local area
NI 6 Participation in regular volunteering
NI 7 Environment for a thriving third sector
NI 21 Dealing with local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police
NI 27 Understanding of local concerns about anti-social behaviour and crime by the local council and police
NI 45 Young offender’s engagement in suitable education, employment or training
NI 54 Services for disabled children
NI 110 Young people’s participation in positive activities
NI 188 Adapting to climate change
NI 195 Improved street and environmental cleanliness (levels of graffiti, litter, detritus and fly posting)
NI 196 Improved street and environmental cleanliness – fly tipping
NI 197 Improved local biodiversity – active management of local sites